niedziela, 20 grudnia 2015

Sweet almond horseshoes


In Germany these sweets are called "mandelhörnchen". I ate them in Frankfurt and they tasted so good that I decided to make them at home. Mine look diffrent from the traditional, but I tried to turn them into a healthy snack ;)

Home-made marzipan:
100g dates
200 g almond flour
2 tablespoons (or more) rum or amaretto

Blend well all the ingrendients to a paste.


marzipan about (300 g)
200 g almond flour
200 g almond flakes
3 egg whites
100 g xylitol powdered (or sugar)
some vanilla if you want

200 g dark chocolate couverture

Mix almond flour, 100 g almond flakes, 2 egg whites and xylitol or sugar into a sticky dough.
Form horsechoe shapes on a baking sheet. Cover them with an egg white and sprinkle with the rest almond flakes. Tighten to stick them to the mass. 

Bake in 180 Celcius degrees for 15 min (no longer).

As they cool, cover with a chocolate couverture.


PS. Here you have the original ones from Frankfurt:

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